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BPI-W2 new image :Burn OpenWRT with Linux kernel 4.4 2018-4-25
1.About this release
This release is for banana pi W2 board to run OpenWRT,you will know how to burn and run OpenWRT on W2.
2.Burn OpenWRT on W2 steps:
The Bootloader of OpenWRT is u-boot64, there are two ways to burn it on W2 EMMC.
A. Use RTK MP_Tool burn uboot on W2:
1)You need these files and tool:
* MP_Tool
* RTD1296_hwsetting_BOOT_4DDR4_4Gb_s1866.config(hardware configuration file)
* dvrboot.exe.bin(u-boot binary file)
2)Connect W2 debug console to windows PC,and run MP_Tool:
* Set your console parameters
* Choose config file and uboot file
* Choose "LK option"
* Click Wirte button and then power on W2, and waiting for response "OK"
B. Use hypertrm burn uboot on W2:
1)You need these files and tool:
* hypertrm
* RTD1296_hwsetting_BOOT_4DDR4_4Gb_s1866_padding.bin(hardware configuration binary file)
* dvrboot.exe.bin(u-boot binary file)
2)Connect W2 debug console to windows PC:
* Run hypertrm ,config console parameters right
* Holding on press “ctrl + q” and power on board,after the screen show “d/g/r”,then loose “ctrl + q”
* Input “h”,use Y-modem way to send “RTD1296_hwsetting_BOOT_4DDR4_4Gb_s1866_padding.bin” to W2 board
* After finish transferred,input these parameters:
* Input “d”,and send u-boot binary file
* after finish transferred,input “g” to burn u-boot file on W2 EMMC
After succeed to burn u-boot on W2, then install OpenWRT on W2.
1)You need these tools and files:
* U disk
* install.img
2)Burn OpenWRT on W2 steps:
* Format U disk as FAT32 filesystem
* Copy install.img to U disk root directory
* Decompress install.img to get four files:
* Plug U disk to W2 USB3.0 interface,holding press “Esc” button to power on W2 board
* Then W2 board will go into u-boot console
* Input these commands step by step:
setenv bootargs "earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x98007800 console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=7
init=/etc/init root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=squashfs rootwait"
go ru
* Waiting for OpenWRT burning,after finished,W2 will reboot and go into OpenWRT system.

3.Image & Tools link:
Baidu Drive: PinCode:1w4w
Google Drive:
4.BPI-W2 run OpenWRT video:
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