bpi-copy command

How to use bpi-copy command (Burning images to EMMC , Copying data from SD-Card/EMMC to be Images)

usage: bpi-copy
       bpi-copy IMGFILE
       bpi-copy IMGDIR
       bpi-copy IMGFILE DEVICE
       bpi-copy DEVICE IMGFILE
  1. Set up development environment

    2-1: On X86-PC (Ubunut 12.04)

    sudo echo "foreign-architecture armhf" >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch

    2-2 :On X86-PC (Ubunut 14.04)

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf

    2-3 :On BananaPI M3/M2Plus do nothing

  2. Install BPI-Tools

    sudo dpkg -i bananapi-bpi-tools*.deb

  3. Creat a folder of BPI-Tools

    mkdir BPI-Tools cd BPI-Tools

  4. Update BPI-Tools

    sudo bpi-tools --upgrade

  5. Use bpi-copy commnad

    6-1: To burn into EMMC, please run the following command

    sudo bpi-copy < images file>

    6-2 :Copy data from SD-Card/EMMC to be Images

    sudo bpi-copy < device path> < xxxxx.img.zip>

    6-3 :To burn into certain device,please run the following command

    sudo bpi-copy < xxxxx.img.zip> < device path>

Video Demo (To burn into EMMC)


Video Demo ( Copy data from SD-Card/EMMC to be Images)


Last updated