Download the program using the SWD in J-Flash
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To illustrate, here will be used as an example STM32F103C8T6。
1.Install J-Link ARM toolset open one of J-Flash.
Select Create project from template to open the file selection box, find STM32F103C8.jflash, as shown.
2.Open the Options menu bar -> Project settings ..., switch to the Target Interface page, select download SWD, then click OK, as shown in Figure.
3.Then the Open Debugger for SWD interface CLK, DIO, GND based STM32F103C8T6 target plate PA13, PA14 and GND is connected, and then click on the menu bar Target -> Connect, under normal circumstances, the box will print LOG output similar to the following chart information If not, then please check the connection Open Debbuger with your computer and check the Open Debugger device drivers are properly.
4.When you see the above information, you can open the firmware file to be programmed menu bar File - after> Open data file ..., find the file you want to program, there will be a firmware binary data, as shown below.
5.This time click on the menu bar Target -> Auto will start automatically programmed,without question in the following figure LOG successful programming message will appear,if not, please check the wiring of the SWD Open Debugger interface with the target board is correct, power supply is normal.