BPI-G1 Simple Code Firmware programming manual
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BPI-G1 Simple Code has two sets of firmware. We divided these two sets of firmware from the host firmware and firmware. Host is an ap can use mobile phones and laptops direct link. The slave is a sta, is to link the router to link with mobile phones and laptops.
Firmware programming steps:
Install the burner software.
BPI-OPENDEBUGGER three burning software are: 1. JlinkARM Download:http://www.segger.com/jlink-software.html 2. unifalsh Download:http://www.ti.com.cn/tool/cn/uniflash 3. SmartRF Studio 7 Download:http://www.ti.com/tool/smartrftm-studio 4. Writer's programming software package we can extract the compressed firmware firmware get burned software shown:
BPI open debugger board writer and computer links
links good computer will prompt to install the driver shown :( Note: The picture is not completely installed drive, install a good look at all of the drivers burner BPI-OPENDEBUGGER Writer Manual)
Host programmer firmware (A (HOST))
Programming cc3200 firmware
Select Serial Number: Click on the computer Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Ports Figure,
Click operation -> program as shown below,Then press the reset button on the BPI-OPENDEBUGGER,The programming is done in the below:
Programming stm32f103 firmware:
Open J-Flash Figure:
Select Create project form template -> -> ST ->STM32F103CB.jflash -> Open -> start j-flash -> Save (Note: Generally saved on the desktop)
CC2540 programming firmware:
programming cc2530 firmware:
Programming firmware: Click perform actions shown in the programming success:
Similarly B (SLAVE) firmware and A (HOST) firmware is the same programming.
Programming development board cc3200 firmware:The JTAG and UART BPI-OPENDEBUGGER and BPI-G1 on the JTAG and UART connection as shown:
Open uniflash click File -> open configuration -> Borwse select the firmware storage location and then click open as shown in Figure -1 -2 -3 and click ok shown:
The stm32f103 SWD interface link SWD interface and BPI-G1 above BPI-OPENDEBUGGER on the figure:
Select 0ptions -> Project settings shown in Figure 1 and -2
Select programming firmware: Click File -> open data file -> Open. Figure:
Programming: Target -> Auto programming is completed as shown:
the cc dubegger interface and BPI-G1 BPI-OPENDEBUGGER cc2540 on top of cc dubegger interface as shown:
Figure Click SmartRFProg.exe
Figure click ok
Click the reset button as shown:
he state of the connection is successful, such as BPI-OPENDEBUGGER red will turn green, and then burning software shown:
Select the firmware programming shown:
Programming software configuration as shown:
Programming firmware: Click perform actions shown in the programming success:
The cc dubegger interface and BPI-G1 BPI-OPENDEBUGGER cc2530 on top of cc dubegger interface as shown:
Figure Click SmartRFProg.exe
Figure click ok
Click the reset button, the connection is successful, such as BPI-OPENDEBUGGER red will turn green, and then burning software state is shown:
Select the firmware programming shown:
Programming software configuration as shown: